Homemade Valentines


I was watching Studio 5 a few weeks ago and they had a segment on about making homemade Valentines for you kids to take to school. I called Brandon and had him look up the ideas they shared on their web site. We found this great idea to make iPods out of little boxes of Valentine candy. I couldn't resist making them for Peyton to take to school for her Kindergarten class.

It took most of our Sunday afternoon but we busted out 30 of these tasty little valentines. I warped all the foil on the Reese’s Peanut butter Cup ear buds, and cut all the string. Brandon edited the Screen on the iPod so it had a Song that said, “From Peyton with Love”. I thought that was a cute idea. He also cut out all the colored paper.  Peyton cut out all of the little face pieces and glued them all on our little make shift iPods. She was so excited. It was a really fun little project and it was fun to have the whole family working on them together.

You can find information on how to make these on the Web Site Family Fun. They also have a printout to make the little iPod control cutouts. This was supper fun to do. I think we will pick little fun things every year to make for our Valentines.