The Elf on the Shelf: Day 10



Do you see anything wrong in this picture? If you are wondering why there are underpants on the tree then you guessed it.


Well it is obvious that our Little Elf Kevin is listening to everything going on around our house. Our little girl Peyton brought home a Scholastic Book order the other day. As we were reading through all the available books we came across the Captan Underpants books. Kaison and Peyton got a great laugh about the name of the book. Now for the last few days Kai has been wanting us to order Captan Underpants.


Every time Captan Underpants is mentioned the kids get the giggles. Apparently Kevin decided that he would play Captan underpants for a day. Do you see where Kevin is?


He sat right above the tree where he could have a birds eye view of all the fun. I wish you could have seen the kids faces when they noticed all the underwear on the tree. The house was full of giggles.