16 years

Brandon and Nicole Sept 17, 1999 Manti Temple Hill

Brandon and Nicole Sept 17, 1999 Manti Temple Hill

Nicole and I celebrated our 16th Anniversary yesterday. We have been through so much together. Joy, pain, sickness, health, and enduring love. I can't express in words how much I love her. I loved her that day holding her hand on the Manti Temple grounds, but I had no idea that I could even love her more today. She is the strongest woman I have ever met and the eternal perspective of love that our experiences have given me have tears rolling down my cheeks. I you love so much and plan on showing you for the rest of my days on this earth and for the eternities to come. Happy anniversary sweat heart. Sixteen years and four kids later you are still the most amazing woman I have ever laid eyes on.

Love Brandon

Exciting News


I have not officially announced this on my blog but many of my close friends and family have known this for some time. I am having a baby! We have baby number four on the way to bless our family. We are also excited to anounce it is a girl. That will even out things at our house. That will make two boys and two girls. I'm due March 4th but I always go early so it should be some time the end of February. I'm really struggling with girl names this time around so if you have any cute suggestions please let me know.